You're Fired! Trump's Worst Hire Ever: IT Incompetent Fed CIO Suzie Kent
Duane Thresher, Ph.D. April 10, 2018
There has been endless ignorant talk about President Trump's
hirings (and firings). Whatever else his appointments have
been, most have at least been somewhat qualified. Not so with
his appointment of IT incompetent Suzette Kent as Federal
Chief Information Officer (CIO), the CIO of CIOs. Suzie Kent
is Trump's worst hire ever and should be fired.
A CIO is not just any management position. It requires a
specific education, exactly like judges being educated in the
law or doctors being educated in medicine. If a CIO does not
have to have an IT education then neither should a judge have
to have a law education or a doctor a medical
An IT incompetent CIO, like IT people at every level in the IT
hierarchy, will not know who is competent to hire. This
results in a situation where every level in the IT hierarchy
is IT incompetent and thinks it's OK because those in the
level below must be IT competent and will take care of the
all-important technical details. Those at the lowest level
just assume that all the defaults in the equipment and
programs will always be fine. This may work until something
unusual quickly happens, like a hacker.
The Federal CIO does not have to get Senate confirmation so
there is no excuse of choosing someone that is incompetent but
politically acceptable. Because only an
IT expert like myself
can know who is IT competent to hire and there are none of
these higher up in government and business, it has become
standard in government and business to hire IT incompetent
women as CIO, as a sop to political correctness, i.e., women's
rights. But this is just stupid and dangerous, as the
ever-worsening plague of data breaches shows, and no one has a
right to a job they are not competent to do.
Kent only has a BA in journalism from Louisiana State
University (LSU), according to LSU. Someone with a journalism
degree is not qualified to use a computer, never mind be a
CIO. Further, journalism is at the bottom, along with
Communications (often they are one and the same), as a
respectable major and LSU is not even a top-tier university.
(For writers the best advice has forever been to get a degree
in the subject you are going to write about, not journalism,
and this includes those who write about IT.)
Or does
Kent only have a BA in advertising and marketing from LSU,
as she wrote on her LinkedIn page? This discrepancy brings up
an ethical question about Kent: did she lie on her resume? In
any case, advertising and marketing is no better an education,
and maybe worse, for the Federal CIO.
The Federal CIO is the top IT job in the U.S. Government and
its holder should be the best, not someone with no IT
education at all. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has
to have a legal education. The Surgeon General has to have a
medical education. The Federal Chief Information Officer has
to have a ... marketing education?
A joke that my young daughter likes (and understands) is that
Suzie Kent "thinks an IP address is where she goes to the
bathroom". IT incompetent Suzie Kent having the job of CIO of
CIOs makes her the biggest fake in all of IT so she should be
called "Fake Suzette".
Judging from what Suzie Kent has said — she mostly just
tweets and talks about women's rights — she is not even
interested in IT, just in saying how great it is that women,
no matter how IT incompetent, are in government and business
IT and that there should be many more.
Having hordes of the IT incompetent in government and business
IT will, without exaggeration, ultimately mean their
destruction. For example, imagine that anyone could be a
doctor without having gone to medical school. Combine that
with anyone being able to be a judge without having gone to
law school. You'd have a legion of quack doctors killing
masses of people and getting away with it.
In this Information Age, we already have the situation that
anyone can be a CIO without an IT education and the beginning
of the destruction is obvious; the
of Equifax for example, because having been hacked its
credit reports are now worthless. Further, the law and
medicine are limited in their extent but IT extends to
everything, including nuclear weapons.
Suzie Kent has talked about how hard it is to hire the IT
competent in government IT. But if she is really concerned,
the best thing she could do would be to quit as Federal CIO.
No competent employee in any field wants to work for someone
who knows nothing about the field. It's frustrating and
demoralizing. Wake up little Suzie, you gotta go
If Suzie Kent doesn't even have the brains to know to quit as
Federal CIO, Trump should fire her, before she makes the
Equifax data breach seem trivial. Fortunately, even after he
has hired them, Trump is not afraid to fire those he thinks
are not right for the job, which is clearly the case