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Postdocs in Germany and Alaska in Supercomputing

For my postdocs (postdoctoral positions) I continued to do research in climate modeling on supercomputers; first in Germany at the University of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and then in Alaska at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC).

As an American living and working in Germany among the native population (not on or near a U.S. Air Force base), many of whom do not like Americans, I had to be more concerned about security, both physical and IT.

In Alaska, ARSC had some of the fastest supercomputers in the world and was a Department of Defense facility, which thus emphasized security, including requiring security training.

In Alaska I became disillusioned with the disastrous politicization of climate modeling, which included the ignoring of the inherent terminal weaknesses of climate models and pretending they are perfect predictors. See Climate of Incompetence.

I thus quit climate modeling to return to my earlier and continuing passion, computer networking. First though, I did the hard work and took a year of courses to become up to date in networking; see next entries.

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