Hacking and Forced Meltdown of Nuclear Power Plants: Upwind of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia
By Duane Thresher, Ph.D. September 21, 2021
In Nuclear 9/11, I wrote again about the hacking and forced
meltdown of nuclear power plants, which Russia would love to
attack the U.S. with since it also proves that a
catastrophic meltdown like Chernobyl in 1986 can't only
happen to them. I focused on Southern Nuclear power plants,
which are in Georgia and Alabama, and their dangerous IT
incompetent CIOs: current Russian-ransomwared Colonial
Pipeline woman CIO Marie Mouchet and current Southern
Nuclear black CIO Martin Davis. The U.S. Government, whose
main reason for existence is to protect us from such an
attack, cares only about the sex and race (euphemistically,
diversity) of those, like CIOs, who are supposed to protect
us from cyberattack, not about their competence. Worse for
the South, the U.S. Government, based in the North around
Washington DC, still, since the Civil War, considers the
South an enemy to be destroyed and is fine with any
catastrophes befalling it — Hurricane Katrina and New
Orleans for example — including the horrible death of
hundreds of thousands by radiation sickness. However, the
U.S. Government should realize that it has its own extremely
vulnerable nuclear power plants nearby. For example, the
already 50 years old, but licensed for another 30 years,
Peach Bottom nuclear power plant, which is near, by wind and
water, Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, and is
already notorious for its lax physical security, has its own
dangerous IT incompetent woman CIO, Kelly Lyman. Letting
nuclear power become a national security catastrophe is also
a catastrophe for the environment, including climate, which
the U.S. Government also pretends to care about, because it
is the only climate-friendly power that can feasibly meet
America's energy needs, as many environmentalists admit.
Apscitu can fight to protect America, nuclear power, and the